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Bambike, Bam-books, para sa Bam-bata!
In an era where youth are often criticized for being glued to smartphones and tablets, it is inspiring to witness how children are still...

Bamboo Month 2023
Getting Bam-busy for September Embrace the green revolution and join Bambike with the chorus of bamboo enthusiasts celebrating this...

The Bamboo Batalya
Buwan ng Wika and the slang of the Filipino Cyclist August is the National Language Month of the Philippines, or “Buwan ng Wika”. To...

World Bicycle Day 2023
Take your bamboo bike out for a ride today! Or take any bike out for a ride today… Heck, take any bike out for a ride any day. We like to...

A Celebration of Bamboo
Bambike Celebrates National Heritage Month 2023 Have you heard about the Bamboo Hypothesis? It is a phenomenon proposed by archaeologist...

Bambike for the Biggest Hour
"Bambike in support of Earth Hour" Every year since 2008, time zones across the globe turn off their lights and non-essential electronics...

Share The Road
Pedaling For Inclusive Urban Mobility We choose to make bamboo bikes because we believe in creating a greener future. Bambike has gone a...

Adventure, Advocacy, and Aspiration
(Left) Bambike founder Bryan Benitez McClelland with Erden Eruç on bamboo bikes After rowing across the Pacific Ocean from California to...

Pedal Towards 2023
Dear Bambike Community, As we welcome 2023, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that we've accomplished together and to look...

FEATURE: SouthCarolinaVoyager
Community Highlights: Meet Bryan McClelland of Bambike Excited to announce we were featured on SouthCarolinaVoyager. While exploring the...
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