Share The Road
Pedaling For Inclusive Urban Mobility

We choose to make bamboo bikes because we believe in creating a greener future. Bambike has gone a long way from its humble beginnings to becoming one of the biggest names in the bamboo bike industry today. Despite the milestones that we have achieved, it is important to acknowledge that sustainably manufacturing green vehicles is just one part of the picture.
As cities around the world continue to grapple with traffic congestion and air pollution, many are turning to biking as a sustainable and healthy alternative to driving and the abhorrent state of public transportation in Metro Manila. However, for biking to become a truly viable option for daily transportation, cities need to invest in high-quality bike infrastructure, including better bike lanes.
We do not just need better bike lanes to accommodate the growing number of bike commuters. We need better bike lanes to encourage more people to join the movement of sustainable mobility. In Metro Manila, cyclists are still the exception rather than norm. Mental images of cyclists are usually young, fit twenty-somethings who brave busy streets to get to work, those who ride for sport, or bike messengers who dare to weave between cars and trucks to chase a delivery deadline.
One of the concepts central to our advocacy is inclusive urban mobility – key word being “inclusive”. Biking should not just be a thing for daring risk takers and adventure seekers. It should be an option for everyone. Imagine if the elderly had to choice to safely bike to the grocery store, if school children could safely pedal to class, if your colleagues could bike to work more often than your recreational weekend bike tours. Biking can only be a viable choice for every one if our cities allow it to be.
One less car on the road, easing traffic congestion, fresh air, free exercise and emission free transportation; we could go on and on about how better bike lanes can make our cities a more pleasant place. We at team Bambike advocate for “Share The Road” movement! The path to a greener future is only possible if we make it accessible for everyone.
Join us and sign the petition: “Protected Bike Lanes Protect Us All: A Unity Statement on the Systemic Removal of Protected Bike Lanes in the Philippines”. Voice out against injustices towards urban mobility – most recently, the impending threat of removing the protected bike lanes along Ayala Avenue. Visit the link to sign: